Thomas Kinkade Angels Of Peace Hand-Painted Figurine Collection


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Let your faith rise to the heavens upon the wings of angels and hold true as a beacon of hope and peace. Celebrate your faith in the Lord with the Thomas Kinkade Angels of Peace Figurine Collection, available in a limited edition exclusively from The Hamilton Collection. Your collection begins with Issue One, God Helps You Handle What You Are Given. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Two, God's Grace Is Not the Light at the End of the Tunnel, It's the Light That Guides Us Through It , Issue Three, God's Love Is like an Ocean; You Can See Its Beginning, but Not Its End and additional Thomas Kinkade angels, each a separate issue to follow.‡Each figurine in this collection showcases the radiant artistry of Thomas Kinkade and is completely handcrafted in collector-quality artist's resin. These divine messengers from above are all painted carefully by hand with stunning fully sculpted wings. Kissed with sparkling hand-applied glitter and golden highlights, every angel holds a precious symbol of faith. And showcased on the gown of each angel figurine are comforting words inspired by scripture. Display this collection in your own home as a stirring tribute of your faith or give as an inspirational gift to a special someone. Strong demand is expected for these hand-painted angel figurines, so don't wait. Order now!